Prof Simon Connell : UJ
Main Research landing Page - Overview of main research interests
Group Resource Pages .... start here for all group resources .... (More Research, Computing, Knowledge-base, Activities, Tutorials ...)
Publications Scopus, Google Scholar
Brief Bio (2022)
Academic CV (2022)
FaceBook Video - Introduction to Simon - with thanks to the NSTF
Africa, Pan Africa, Science for development and decolonisation
- The African Light Source (Chair: Exec)
- The African Academy of Science (Fellow)
- The African Strategy on Fundamental and Applied Physics (Steering Committee)
- The SA Institute of Physics (Past President)
- The SA Nuclear Chapter (Secretary)
Summary of Research Interests: (with a range of collaborators) span several fields
High Energy Particle Physics
- Analysis Papers.
- Working in ATLAS : Analysis : New Physics Beyond the Standard Model - Dark Matter Searches with SM Higgs as a portal.
- Working in ATLAS : Upgrade : Novel Fibre Optic Based Sensors for Radiation Hard Humidity Sensors.
- HEP computing
- Part of NA63 - especially coherent radiation phenomena using aligned diamond targets.
High Energy Nuclear Physics
- (Papers) Virtual photon excitation of baryonic resonances - JLAB Hall C experiments -
mostly experiment E1-008 and associated experiments.

ATLAS cavern
Nuclear Physics
- Nexus The Green Economy, Nuclear Energy, Water, Waste, Food
- Papers Reaction Mechanisms -in light ion induced reactions on medium mass targets from the Coulomb Barrier to the Fission threshold.
- Papers Nuclear Energy - Novel Gen IV reactors, Small Modular Reactors.
Diamond Physics
- Papers ... using Google Scholar
- X-ray Bragg studies of intrinsic defects at the limit of low strain 10-8
- Diamond Applications :
- As a synchrotron beam optical element.
- As a detector.
- As a crystalline undulator.
- The (small) lab low-strain Diamond Instrumented Diffractometer project.
- Electron and Photon induced primary radiation damage in the low dose - pure diamond limit.
- Aspects of ultra-pure and low strain HPHT Synthesis, CVD synthesis.
- The H impurity (revealed by Muon Spin Rotation experiments)
- The H-microscope project (at iThemba LABS Gauteng).
- Impurity Complexation leading to n-type molecular dopants (mostly H complexation)
- Scientific Diamond processing (fine mechanical, laser, thermo-chemical, ion-beam).
We co-develop the iThemba Diamond Laboratory instrumentation and Techniques.
- Natural diamond inclusion geo-chemistry - as an indicator of deep earth physics.

Diamond Art
Open Quantum Systems
- Quantum Diamond
- Space-time effects in Bell Correlations
- Quantum Communication, Quantum Security
- Getting started
- Computational Physics
- High Performance Computing
- Grid Computing
- Virtualisation, Containers
- AI

Thermo-chemical polishing
Technology Transfer, Innovation and Commercialisation
- Patents in MineralPET, Medical PET, PolyPET, CoalPET, XRT, Laser Annealing of Diamond
- Commercialisation of MinPET
- Development of CFD simulation of hydro cyclones for powder level mineral sorting.
- Development of hard and high specification activity micro-PET sources
- Development of detectors and DAQ Software for PEPT
- Industry Partner funded
- Inexplicably stopped at a promising stage by certain statutory bodies.
- Fibre Optical Sensors in Nuclear Thermal Reactors
- First-of-a-kind, real-time, on-line, in-core reactor parameters
- Joint work: Necsa and UJ, and funded by ESKOM
- Early proceedings in SAIP 2021
- Ubuntu Reactors
- Application of High Performance Computing and Monte-Carlo techniques (from High Energy Physics) to
Reactor Simulation

MinPET V3D Visualisation
Private Administration Pages .... keeping track of important administration information.

Family come first !