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Simon Connell - Wiki pages

Prof Simon Connell : UJ

Main Research landing Page - Overview of main research interests
Group Resource Pages .... start here for all group resources .... (More Research, Computing, Knowledge-base, Activities, Tutorials ...)
Publications Scopus, Google Scholar
Brief Bio (2022)
Academic CV (2022)
FaceBook Video - Introduction to Simon - with thanks to the NSTF

Africa, Pan Africa, Science for development and decolonisation

  1. The African Light Source (Chair: Exec)
  2. The African Academy of Science (Fellow)
  3. The African Strategy on Fundamental and Applied Physics (Steering Committee)
  4. The SA Institute of Physics (Past President)
  5. The SA Nuclear Chapter (Secretary)

Summary of Research Interests: (with a range of collaborators) span several fields
High Energy Particle Physics

  1. Analysis Papers.
  2. Working in ATLAS : Analysis : New Physics Beyond the Standard Model - Dark Matter Searches with SM Higgs as a portal.
  3. Working in ATLAS : Upgrade : Novel Fibre Optic Based Sensors for Radiation Hard Humidity Sensors.
  4. HEP computing
  5. Part of NA63 - especially coherent radiation phenomena using aligned diamond targets.

High Energy Nuclear Physics

  1. (Papers) Virtual photon excitation of baryonic resonances - JLAB Hall C experiments - mostly experiment E1-008 and associated experiments.

ATLAS cavern

Nuclear Physics

  1. Nexus The Green Economy, Nuclear Energy, Water, Waste, Food
  2. Papers Reaction Mechanisms -in light ion induced reactions on medium mass targets from the Coulomb Barrier to the Fission threshold.
  3. Papers Nuclear Energy - Novel Gen IV reactors, Small Modular Reactors.

Diamond Physics

  1. Papers ... using Google Scholar
  2. X-ray Bragg studies of intrinsic defects at the limit of low strain 10-8
  3. Diamond Applications :
    1. As a synchrotron beam optical element.
    2. As a detector.
    3. As a crystalline undulator.
    4. The (small) lab low-strain Diamond Instrumented Diffractometer project.
    5. Electron and Photon induced primary radiation damage in the low dose - pure diamond limit.
    6. Aspects of ultra-pure and low strain HPHT Synthesis, CVD synthesis.
  4. The H impurity (revealed by Muon Spin Rotation experiments)
  5. The H-microscope project (at iThemba LABS Gauteng).
  6. Impurity Complexation leading to n-type molecular dopants (mostly H complexation)
  7. Scientific Diamond processing (fine mechanical, laser, thermo-chemical, ion-beam). We co-develop the iThemba Diamond Laboratory instrumentation and Techniques.
  8. Natural diamond inclusion geo-chemistry - as an indicator of deep earth physics.

Diamond Art

Open Quantum Systems

  1. Quantum Diamond
  2. Space-time effects in Bell Correlations
  3. Quantum Communication, Quantum Security


  1. Getting started
  2. Computational Physics
  3. High Performance Computing
  4. Grid Computing
  5. Virtualisation, Containers
  6. GPU
  7. AI

Thermo-chemical polishing

Technology Transfer, Innovation and Commercialisation

  1. Patents in MineralPET, Medical PET, PolyPET, CoalPET, XRT, Laser Annealing of Diamond
  2. Commercialisation of MinPET
  3. PEPT
    • Development of CFD simulation of hydro cyclones for powder level mineral sorting.
    • Development of hard and high specification activity micro-PET sources
    • Development of detectors and DAQ Software for PEPT
    • Industry Partner funded
    • Inexplicably stopped at a promising stage by certain statutory bodies.
  4. Fibre Optical Sensors in Nuclear Thermal Reactors
    • First-of-a-kind, real-time, on-line, in-core reactor parameters
    • Joint work: Necsa and UJ, and funded by ESKOM
    • Early proceedings in SAIP 2021
  5. Ubuntu Reactors
    • Application of High Performance Computing and Monte-Carlo techniques (from High Energy Physics) to
    Reactor Simulation

MinPET V3D Visualisation


Private Administration Pages .... keeping track of important administration information.

Family come first !
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Page last modified on October 31, 2023, at 01:55 pm