Making multiple WordPress Sites
- Use the multiple databases method as in here
- Arrange the DNS entry <site> <www.site> nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn
- Add a folder in the html directory to hold the site
- Download and untar the wordpress installation there
wget https://wordpress.org/latest.tar.gz
tar -xzvf latest.tar.gz
- Create a new database in the MySQL system for the new wordpress site such as in here
- this database will have a user and a password
- Do the /etc/apache2 configuration for the new site and restart the deamon
- Make entry in
- Make link in
service apache2 restart
- Run the certbot letsencrypt script for www.wp_site.ac.za
- First time fetching of certificate ....
sudo certbot --apache --domains www.wp_site.ac.za
- afterwards, when it has made the certificates and folders in
sudo certbot --apache
- make the two options for the site (with and without the www.) together
- default to secure connection
Database backup
If you have an account in MySQL/Maria with all permissions, you can dump out the databases behind WordPress. The dumped files can be used to recover the database if the database doesn't survive an upgrade.
mysqldump -p --all-databases > mysql_backup_$(date -I).sql
Note that this contains site layout and posts, but not uploads and site media. The site files should be backed up separately. See: Backing up your wordpress site.