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GPUAccessNotesNote: Angular brackets, Synchronising GPU accessI have put a Perl script called
This is easiest to use wrapped in a bash script, e.g. #!/bin/bash solo -port=3801 ". /home/daq/miniconda3/etc/profile.d/ && conda activate py3ml && python <>" If we all use the same port, 3801, then only one user can access the GPU at a time. If someone else is currently using the GPU, you will get this message: I looked at other process synchronisation alternatives, like acquiring a lock, making a folder in bash or using the lockrun c app. All of these had various disadvantages, but solo seems to work well. Easily running code on Wolf GPUI have written a bash script that I am using to copy data and code to Wolf, run it, and copy the results back. First up, set up ssh keys to log in to wolf. 1. Generate a key (if you do not already have one).ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "" Pick a name for the key that will identify you so it is easier to keep track. There is no need to use a passphrase, though you can if you want. 2. Copy the public key to wolfssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/<keyname> daq@ If you don't have ssh-copy-id, then manually copy the .pub file that the 3. Add an entry to ssh config fileOn your own computer, add an entry to Host wolf Hostname User <username> IdentityFile ~/.ssh/<keyname> At this point, you should be able to login with The bash scriptReplace everything within angular brackets #!/bin/bash echo "#####################################################################################" echo " Copying files to wolf" echo "#####################################################################################" if rsync --progress -auvx <file1_or_dir1> \ <file1_or_dir2> \ <file1_or_dir3> \ <...> \ --exclude '__pycache__' wolf:<destination_folder> ; then echo "done." echo echo "#####################################################################################" echo " Running code" echo "#####################################################################################" if ssh wolf 'cd <destination_folder> && .' ; then echo "done." echo echo "#####################################################################################" echo " Copying results back" echo "#####################################################################################" rsync --progress -auvx wolf:<destination_folder>/<results> . fi fi Some comments:This script assumes you have a folder in your home directory, (referred to as You can list several files to
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